Water Both Gardens

“Hi, my name is Lisa, and I’m a workaholic”. For those of you who are reading my blog (thank you!) I think it’s important that you know that about me.

Since #ILoveMyJob, this really works out for me. I am a process junkie, and I really love fine tuning and re-engineering our process here at ITSM Academy so we can deliver the most efficient and effective training possible. As any small business owner can tell you, your company can consume your life. To paraphrase Michael Gerber, you not only have to work in your business, but on your business. And that can be time consuming.

It is so easy to get lost in building the company, that I sometimes put my personal life on a back burner. And it’s not good or fair to my family, or frankly, myself.

As often is the theme in my posts, years ago I heard an expression that really resonated with me. “You need to be sure to water both gardens”.

Yes, it’s very important to me that I grow my business, but it’s even more important that I continue to grow my marriage, and foster the most important relationship in my life, the one with my husband.

Plus, the added benefit, when I stop and hang out with my husband, we do tons of cool stuff. We go to the beach, canoe, ride bikes, travel, hang out, see friends, play with our dogs, drink beers, etc. Important side note; I may use #ILoveMyJob a lot, but I also can hashtag #ILoveMyHusband and #ILoveMyBudLight with equal amounts of enthusiasm!

Now it’s 6:30 on a Saturday morning and the hubby is stirring. Let me go water my other garden πŸ˜‰

Until your next trip to LisaLand…Happy Gardening!


2 thoughts on “Water Both Gardens

  1. I love that #ILoveMyJob, #ILoveMyHusband and #ILoveMyBudLight garner equal amounts of enthusiasm, but that’s too long for a hash tag πŸ˜‰ Great post!

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